NNETMLT 7-tier contemporary shoe storage cabinet in wood and gold with adjustable shelves and floor mount design, holds up to 24 pairs of shoes.
7-tier shoe storage cabinet with adjustable shelves in wood and gold design, showcasing various storage compartments in a contemporary room setting
7-tier shoe storage cabinet in wood and gold with adjustable shelves, holding various shoes, placed in a contemporary room setting.
Contemporary 7-tier wood and gold shoe storage cabinet with adjustable shelves, perfect for organizing shoes in a stylish way.
NNETMLT 7-Tier Shoe Storage Cabinet with Adjustable Shelves in Wood and Gold - Dimensions: 29.5" W x 14.6" D x 43.3" H, stylish, value furniture
Close-up of NNETMLT shoe storage cabinet showing high-quality board, metal hinges, golden handle, and gold metal legs
Contemporary 7-tier wood and gold shoe storage cabinet with adjustable shelves in a modern bathroom setting.
7-tier contemporary shoe storage cabinet with adjustable shelves in wood and gold, displaying various shoes, enhancing floor mount home decor
Contemporary 7-tier shoe storage cabinet in wood and gold with adjustable shelves, featuring decorative items on top and shoes stored below.
Contemporary 7-tier wood shoe storage cabinet with adjustable shelves featuring gold accents, placed in a modern living room setting.
Contemporary 7-tier shoe storage cabinet with wood and gold design, in bedroom setting with plants and decorative items.
DSZ - S&D's Value Store

NNETMLT 7 層鞋櫃,帶可調節擱板,木質和金色


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使用我們現代的 7 層鞋櫃,以時尚的方式整理您的鞋子,該櫃具有可調節的層架和時尚的木質和金色設計。


  • 顏色:木色和金色
  • 風格:現代
  • 材質:木材、人造板
  • 安裝類型:落地式
  • 背面材料類型:工程木材
  • 尺寸: 29.6 英吋寬 x 14.6 英吋深 x 43.3 英吋高
  • 容量:最多可容納 24 雙鞋
  • 附加功能:可調節擱板,兩個用於隱藏存儲的旋轉門


  • 堅固的結構:採用優質 E0 刨花板製成,面板厚度為 0.59 英寸,經久耐用。
  • 多功能存放:上層架子可放置袋子、植物或裝飾品;適用於各種鞋類的可調式面板。
  • 時尚設計:優雅的白色表面,帶有防水塗層,輔以金色金屬手柄和腿。
  • 多功能:兼作鞋架和廚房儲物單元,非常適合走廊、入口、衣櫃、宿舍或車庫。

描述:用我們的 7 層鞋櫃改造您的家,它融合了功能性和現代優雅。這款鞋櫃採用堅固的 E0 刨花板製成,旨在承受日常使用而不影響風格。其可調式層架可輕鬆訂製從拖鞋到靴子等不同類型的鞋類,最多可容納 24 雙鞋。時尚的白色飾面加上耐用的金色裝飾,為任何房間增添了一抹精緻。兩扇旋轉門提供充足的隱藏式收納空間,它不僅僅是一個鞋架,也是您家的多功能整理解決方案。非常適合保持走廊、入口、衣櫃或宿舍整潔,同時彰顯時尚個性。

我們的目標是在您下訂單後 12 個工作小時(週一至週五)內處理訂單,以提供快速的交付體驗。

處理完畢後,您的包裹將在 5-10 個工作天內發貨並送達您家門口,具體取決於我們供應商對您的位置以及您交付物品的尺寸*。



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