Affordable high-quality black griddles for home cooking - value kitchenware.
Two sizes of black electric griddles for 3-5 and 6-8 persons, showcasing affordable, quality homeware for convenient cooking.
High-quality affordable homewares, value furniture featuring close-up views of a modern black electric griddle with adjustable temperature control
Affordable quality homewares - Electric grill with various foods including shrimp, vegetables, and meat skewers - Value furniture kitchenware.
Two people cooking vegetables and meat on an electric grill at home, showcasing quality and affordable value homewares.
Grilling diverse vegetables and meats on a nonstick electric grill, showcasing an affordable, quality homeware for value-conscious cooking.
Cooking stir-fried noodles with vegetables on a griddle
Hand brushing sauce on grilled food including shrimp, mushrooms, broccoli, and bacon-wrapped vegetables on a grill.
People enjoying a meal with various grilled food items, including shrimp, meat, vegetables, and noodles at a home barbecue gathering
SOGA - S&D's Value Store

SOGA 48 公分 68 公分電烤肉爐鐵板燒堅韌不沾表面電爐廚房套裝


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為您的餐桌帶來一些樂趣,讓每個人在下次晚宴上按照自己喜歡的方式烹飪自己的飯菜。多功能烹飪是描述 SOGA 燒烤爐的最佳形容詞。它的一側有一個用於肉類的肋板,另一側有一個平坦的不沾烤盤,用於蔬菜、海鮮、雞蛋、煎餅等!借助可調節恆溫器,燒烤效果完美,並輕鬆清潔。烤架插頭並在表面仍溫熱時噴灑少量水。一旦表面完全冷卻,只需用濕紙巾、海綿或布擦拭烤架表面即可。清潔劑、百潔布或腐蝕性清潔劑,因為它們可能會損壞不沾黏表面。它也不用於商業目的。我們的烤架在使用過程中會自動降低溫度,不適合烹飪需要持續高溫的食物。 5人重量:2.5KG尺寸:480 x 140 x 300 毫米適合 6 - 8 人重量:2..5 公斤尺寸:680 x 140 x 300 毫米用途:家庭烹飪商業包裝包括:2 X 100% SOGA 電動燒烤爐

我們的目標是在您下訂單後 12 個工作小時(週一至週五)內處理訂單,以提供快速的交付體驗。

處理完畢後,您的包裹將在 5-10 個工作天內發貨並送達您家門口,具體取決於我們供應商對您的位置以及您交付物品的尺寸*。



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