4X French Provincial Dining Chair Oak Leg AMOUR CREAM with elegant studded fabric and cushioned seats in a cream color
La Bella set of 4 French Provincial dining chairs in cream with oak legs, featuring brass studding, tufting, and easy 5-minute assembly.
Woman adjusting heels next to elegant upholstered French Provincial dining chairs with oak legs and shoes on the floor
4X French Provincial Dining Chair Oak Leg AMOUR CREAM, La Bella Set of 4 elegant cream upholstered chairs with padded seat and oak legs displayed in multiple angles.
Close-up of brass studding details on French Provincial dining chair Amour Cream with oak legs, showing back, armrest, and corner.
Close-up of French Provincial dining chair with brass studding detail on fabric, showcasing its elegant and luxurious finish.
High resilience 13cm thick foam cushion pad for La Bella French Provincial dining chair in cream fabric
High quality faux linen fabric with detailed stitching and tufted buttons.
Close-up of sturdy oak wood base in La Bella Amour dining chair with resilient foam padding
Close-up of sturdy oak frame with natural finish and floor protectors for French Provincial dining chair.
Simple assembly showing tools and hardware for quick setup of French Provincial Dining Chair.
Dimensions of the 4X French Provincial Dining Chair with Oak Legs and Cream Fabric showing measurements and 5-minute assembly time.
LA BELLA - S&D's Value Store

4X 法國省餐椅橡木腿 AMOUR CREAM


正常價格 $1,369.00 銷售價格$609.00
包括消費稅。 若適用,/zh/policies/shipping-policy '>運費將在結帳時計算。
  • 有庫存,準備出貨
  • 缺貨,很快出貨

La Bella 4 件式法式鄉村餐椅 Amour 橡木布飾釘復古 - 奶油色

La Bella Amour 法國省餐椅展現出永恆而優雅的外觀,為您的家增添額外的奢華氣息。如果您正在尋找優雅而時尚的東西,那麼這款椅子將是您的正確選擇。

這款厚墊座椅採用 13 公分高回彈泡棉填充,比一般椅子更寬。所有這些功能無疑將為頂級帶來最大的舒適度。優雅的軟墊,加上深簇絨設計和邊緣黃銅飾釘,這款法式鄉村風格的椅子一定會給您和您的家人和朋友帶來額外的享受、舒適和愉悅。



  • 法式鄉村風格
  • 優雅的織物軟墊,帶有深層簇絨
  • 13公分厚座墊採用高彈泡沫
  • 側面的黃銅螺柱增添了美麗的細節
  • 堅固的橡木木腿,有做舊處理
  • 腿部底部有塑膠地板保護裝置,可最大程度地減少對木地板和瓷磚地板的刮痕
  • 易於組裝


  • 4 x La Bella Amour 法式省餐椅
  • 1 本組裝手冊
  • 1 套組裝工具



品牌: 拉貝拉
型號: 愛慕
風格: 法式鄉村風格
座椅顏色: 奶油色
腿部材質: 橡木
椅子尺寸(長 x 寬 x 高):61 厘米 x 55 厘米 x 92 厘米

我們的目標是在您下訂單後 12 個工作小時(週一至週五)內處理訂單,以提供快速的交付體驗。

處理完畢後,您的包裹將在 5-10 個工作天內發貨並送達您家門口,具體取決於我們供應商對您的位置以及您交付物品的尺寸*。



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