Gominimo airtight food storage container for rice and grains with convenient locking mechanism and measuring cup.
Gominimo airtight food storage container with measuring cup, eco-friendly, heat resistant, 10 kg capacity, stylish pantry organizer.
Gominimo airtight food storage container with convenient locking mechanism in a modern kitchen setting.
Gominimo airtight storage container with silicone seal rings and buckle lock for freshness of food grains and pet supplies.
Gominimo airtight food storage container with heat-resistant materials for versatile temperature use, ideal for pantry organization.
Gominimo airtight food storage container features convenient handle and bottom roller for easy movement and accessibility.
Gominimo airtight food storage container with measuring cup for easy portioning of rice and grains.
Gominimo airtight food storage container with measuring cup, 10kg capacity, 35.5cm height, ideal for pantry organization.
GOMINIMO - S&D's Value Store

Gominimo 密封食品米粒儲存容器食品儲藏室咖啡收納盒


正常價格 $68.95 銷售價格$30.00
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Gominimo 密封食品米粒儲存容器食品儲藏室咖啡收納盒


  • 方便的鎖定機制:採用使用者友善的設計,輕鬆鎖定和解鎖容器。矽膠密封件可確保氣密密封,以便長時間維持儲存食物的新鮮度。
  • 耐熱結構:此容器由 PP 和矽膠材料製成,具有優異的耐熱性,可承受 -15℃ 至 80℃ 的溫度。它確保了在各種儲存條件下的耐用性和多功能性。
  • 10 公斤大容量:此容器具有高達 10 公斤的大儲存容量,為儲存各種食物提供了充足的空間。這是保持食品儲藏室井然有序且庫存充足的理想解決方案。
  • 包括量杯:使用隨附的量杯簡化您的食物準備過程,在分配食材時提供準確性和便利性。此杯子容量為200毫升,是精確測量的便利工具。
  • 易於維護和清潔:在各個方面都採用簡單性,包括維護。該容器不僅用戶友好,而且易於清潔,確保為用戶提供無憂的體驗。所使用的材料有助於快速有效的清潔,增加了便利性。


  • 品牌: 戈米尼莫
  • 類型:食品儲藏
  • 顏色: 咖啡色
  • 量杯:約200ml
  • 材質:PP+矽膠
  • 包裝尺寸:36 x 24 x 28 厘米
  • 包裝重量:1.1kg
  • 包裝清單:1 個食品儲存容器

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