Elegant potted plant with lush green leaves in a modern black and gold planter, perfect for affordable homeware and quality value furniture.
"Affordable quality artificial plant with 152 leaves in a black pot, 120cm tall - perfect value furniture and homeware decor"
Modern living room with a potted tree, elegant furniture, and affordable quality homewares.
Affordable quality homewares featuring green indoor plant next to modern wooden furniture for a value homely touch.
Modern home decor with quality artificial potted plant and affordable furniture including a white chair for value homewares.
Close-up view of green plant leaves, representing affordable and quality homewares and value furniture decoration.
Close-up of a realistic artificial tree trunk and green leaves, showcasing affordable and quality homewares, value furniture decor.
Woman caring for indoor plant next to wicker chair, framed botanical art, showcasing quality affordable homewares and value furniture
SOGA - S&D's Value Store

SOGA 120 公分綠色人造室內西洋菜樹假植物模擬裝飾


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正常價格 $192.00 銷售價格$119.00
包括消費稅。 若適用,/zh/policies/shipping-policy '>運費將在結帳時計算。
  • 有庫存,準備出貨
  • 缺貨,很快出貨


  • SOGA 人造植物是任何室內和室外裝飾的完美補充。

  • 逼真,無需維護或澆水,天然樹幹使植物高度逼真。

  • 它的葉子紋理清晰,顏色鮮豔。

  • 花盆裡的仿真苔蘚讓它看起來更真實美麗。

  • 真正植物的長期替代品,因為它永遠不會枯萎

  • 對不同環境有較強的裝飾效果

  • 是您家庭或辦公室裝飾的完美補充。可提升樓梯、陽台、廚房、閣樓、餐廳、茶館、美容院、飯店、網咖、婚禮、攝影、影樓等場所的整體裝潢效果。


  • 身高:120厘米

  • 葉子:152片

  • 葉子材質: 絲綢布

  • 樹幹材質: 聚乙烯

  • 包裝尺寸:123*18*18


  • 室內/室外

  • 家庭或辦公室


  • 1 X SOGA 盆栽西洋菜人造植物

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