Yellow table lamp with white shade, perfect affordable homeware offering quality and value furniture for any room.
Affordable quality yellow table lamp with white shade, 60cm height, 38cm width, 17cm base, value homewares and furniture
Affordable homewares showcasing quality and value furniture featuring detailed images of a lamp's various parts, including a shade, base, and bulb holder.
Bright yellow table lamp with a white shade on a wooden table, surrounded by books, a small statue, and yellow flowers, adding a touch of elegance to home decor.
Vibrant yellow table lamp with white shade on wooden table, framed artwork and flowers in the background. Affordable quality homewares.
Affordable quality homeware table lamp in on and off modes, offering value furniture for elegant interiors.
Installation instructions for assembling a lamp, including steps to remove the bakelite ring, fix lampshade, insert bulb, and tighten for illumination.
SOGA - S&D's Value Store

SOGA 橢圓形陶瓷檯燈搭配金色金屬底座檯燈黃色


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正常價格 $332.00 銷售價格$206.00
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  • SOGA 檯燈將為臥室、餐廳、休息室等增添優雅的特色,這款簡單的檯燈非常適合您的裝潢。

  • 檯燈不僅僅是為您的住所提供照明,它們的光芒還可以為您的空間帶來巧妙的吸引力。嘗試在您的床頭櫃上添加一個,為主人套房進行迷你改造,或在入口控制台頂部添加一個舞台,以溫暖的光芒迎接客人。

  • 為了使外觀更加平衡,頂部有一個永恆的鼓罩。

  • 優雅的檯燈閃閃發光,以其美麗的輪廓散發出優雅和優雅的氣息,照亮您的空間。

  • SOGA 燈是客廳、家庭活動室、餐廳、門廳、辦公室的完美補充,也是椅子和沙發旁茶几的理想選擇。

  • 標準澳洲插頭

  • 注意:銷售中不包含燈泡。


  • 品牌: 索嘎

  • 認證編號:GMA-506345

  • 型號:TLAMP-217891

  • 產品重量:約5kg

  • 產品尺寸:17cm x 38cm x 60cm

  • 主要材質:金屬+陶瓷+布料

  • 額定電壓:220-240V

  • 最大功率:40W 白熾燈

  • SAA/RCM/EMC 測試和認證


  • 商業的


  • 1x 陶瓷檯燈

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